Monday, 6 October 2014

Incorporated in the form LiabilitiesAssets Ratio P/ P. measures the intensity of liabilities relating mobile recharge api to the assets of the company. Heritage P. Measures the size of the company. Equal or greater than a million USD assets is required.

In the case of participation of companies incorporated in the form of Association or Consortium evaluation indicators will be performed individually on each of the companies belonging to the Association or Consortium, being weighted points earned for each firm by the percentage of participation of each company of the Association or Consortium, and of this Association or Consortium.

The results will be the rating

This criterion applies to both the case in which there is more than one qualified as a proponent for the case where there is one bidder enabled. The Final Score is determined by adding the points obtained in the evaluation of the indicators.

On Form A, the proposer must include in its proposal the calculation of the indicators according to this document, YPFB verify and review these values and may request clarification if necessary.

In the case of participation of companies mobile recharge coupon of association or consortium, in addition to filling the form An of each firm, it must complete a Form A* for Association or Consortium, weighting the points obtained from individual company belonging to or associated with the Association or Consortium. On Form A should be used for the official closing Statements of Procedures, and change.

All points earned from mobile recharge api

YPFB will verify and review the values submitted on Form mobile recharge api A and reserves the right to request clarification if necessary. Proposals that do not meet the assigned points will be disqualified mobile recharge coupon for opening of Envelope B Financial proposal... TAGE EVALUATION AND RATING.

ECONOMIC PROPOSAL ON B On Form B and B, the BIDDER shall detail the amounts budgeted for the activities described, YPFB verify and review these values and reserves the right to seek clarification if necessary.

The Proposer shall submit a Schedule of Payments, according to the formats of the forms A and B. Economic QUALIFIED BIDDERS Proposals will be graded as follows Check the content of all forms of economic proposal, which shall have all the items required in the CCD.

Revision of arithmetical errors will be made It will proceed with the allocation of points The total mobile recharge api score will be determined once qualified proposals Experience General, Specific Experience, Technical Proposal, Proposed Personnel, Financial Capability and Economic Proposal. The total score of the proposals shall be the sum of according to details described in Table No.... STAGE FINAL EVALUATION AND RATING.

At this stage the final report of evaluation of proposals and award recommendation or coalition or Deserted Declaration is issued. In case the requested ARPC to the Qualification Commission supplementation or mobile recharge coupon support of the Report, the Commission shall refer the Qualification Report within five business day's supplementation or administrative support.

If the ARPC, after receiving supplementation or support of the Evaluation Report and Recommendation, decided on his sole responsibility, depart from the recommendation, shall develop a grounded Report to the Board of YPFB for approval or rejection, then it must inform the Comptroller General.

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